Josie Liz


Sep 21 at 11:30 AM

🤩 Shout to Evongela, Sylvia and LaToya for joining this morning’s live workout of Invigorating Chair Cardio! 🪑Grab the replay in the ‘New and Upcoming’ section.


Sep 17 at 09:11 AM

I just have to say it- yes, this space is about fitness but that’s only a small part of our lives. If you’re going through any rough spots or challenges- trying to overcome in other areas, you’re especially on my mind today. Know that you are loved. Sending you a great big hug!


Sep 14 at 07:00 AM

Got Weekend House Chores? Cleaning burns more calories than you might think! 🧽 Here’s the breakdown:

  • Light cleaning (dusting, sweeping): *170–250 calories per hour
  • Moderate cleaning (vacuuming, mopping): *200–300 calories per hour
  • Heavy cleaning (scrubbing floors, moving furniture): *300–400 calories per hour

🧹*Based on a 155 lb person. The number of calories burned while cleaning for 1 hour depends on the intensity of the activity and your body weight. If you presently weigh more or less, the calorie burn will generally be more or less.
What’s the #1 chore on your list? I gotta scrub the bathroom floors.


Sep 05 at 03:21 PM

Hi! What do you think of the new calendar feature? 😍 I will add monthly events (indicating by the dots), AND you can also add your video selections from the catalog to pre-plan your workouts!



Aug 29 at 02:52 PM

Community Guidelines & Support Information

My goal is to make this a safe and fun experience, so before you get started, please read the following guidelines

Need Help? If you are experiencing an account issue or technical problem, do not post this in the community. 

Community Guidelines:

  1. Please use your personal name: When setting up your community profile, make sure your name is your first and last name (or last initial, if that's more comfortable for you). This helps us get to know you better while eliminating confusion during interactions.

  2. Be kind and courteous: We're all in this together to make this a warm and safe space, free from the negativity of how social media can sometimes be. Let's treat everyone with respect. Healthy debates are natural, but kindness is required. 

  3. No hate speech or bullying: Bullying of any kind isn't allowed, and degrading comments about things like race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, or gender will not be tolerated.

  4. No promotions or spam: Self-promotion, spam, and irrelevant links aren't allowed. This includes sending unsolicited or self-promotional private messages. Sharing spammy self-promotional content and links many result in being immediately removed from the community. 

  5. Respect everyone's privacy: Being part of the community requires mutual trust. Authentic, expressive discussions make groups great but may also be sensitive and private. What's shared in the community should stay in the community. This includes no screenshots of conversations

  6. Do Not Post Random Links: Don't post or share external links without context. Don't mask promotional posts as free tips and advice. These will be deleted. 



Aug 29 at 02:17 PM

Hi! I'm excited and honored that you've joined us here as a member. The Community is your dedicated space to make new friends, ask questions, celebrate your wins and chat with me. 

Let's get started! Help us all get to you know you better - add a photo to your profile, then create a post in the new members section to share more about yourself! Bonus points if you include a fun fact. 😉

Next, logistics...

  • Be sure to download the iOS or Android app for on-the-go access to video content and the community. 

  • I want to ensure that this space supports your personal growth. Please be sure to read our Community Guidelines pinned in the Announcements channel.

  • For support and technical assistance, please email My incredible support team will get you taken care of! 

  • Make sure you're receiving updates from me! Check your spam inbox if you're not seeing regular updates, and make sure to make TheJosieApp sender as safe. 

That's it for now! It's time for you to start exploring and connecting. Let me know if I can support you along the way!

