Ever power walk the mall before the stores open? It’s nice and quiet. Barely any people. No shopping. Just brisk walking! 🏃🏽♀️
Ever power walk the mall before the stores open? It’s nice and quiet. Barely any people. No shopping. Just brisk walking! 🏃🏽♀️
Some quickie evening knee pushups. Who’s in? Do a few reps with me! Or simply static hold at the top (no up & down). 👍🏽
I absolutely love this app!! I especially love that these are mostly shorter workouts that I can do throughout the day. With 4 young kids, doing a 1 hour non stop workout is just not an option. I am very athletic and the ankle weight leg workouts still make my legs shake afterwards haha! Even if they are short, they are very intense and effective. I just did one workout at the playground while my kids were playing. Even if I look silly on my mat, I do what I have to do to stay fit and healthy for myself, my kids and my husband.
Yes to this? Let’s do it together. Drink with me first thing every morning- as soon as you wake up, BEFORE coffee or any other drinks. Rehydrate your body, boost metabolism for weight loss, flush toxins and kickstart digestion. This is how you win!
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Leftover from last night’s dinner: Chicken sausage with sautéed onions, steamed broccoli, roasted red potatoes with Parmesan. I’m doing my best to get the family more on board with healthy eating- It’s a struggle sometimes!
Hi Josie,
I have a bulging disc and aggravated my back. The Chiro said I aggravated my sacrum. I am feeling somewhat better. But want to restart some strength training. Do you have any recommendations for restarting and also relieving a bulging disc? Thank you and have a blessed day.
Any recommendations for a good magnesium supplement to start taking?
Look what we accomplished in a quick 20 minutes! Way to go, girls! 😍#liveworkout
This is the uncensored pic of my 3x C-section scar. Happy I’m free to post it here in the app, because I can’t do that on social media (someone had reported me and the pic got flagged).
Daily massage of your C-section scar improves blood flow, helping to break down adhesions & excess collagen, soften tight tissue, and reduce those painful stabbing sensations from scar tissue. This makes the scar smaller, flatter, and more flexible over time.
Using castor oil can further speed up the process by penetrating deep into the skin to break down scarring faster and promote healing.
It doesn’t matter how old the scar is, start your daily massage! Here’s the castor oil I use: https://urlgeni.us/amzn/castor