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Hey Josie community! Just want to say I’m loving these work outs. I’ve been trying to get myself moving for 2 years due to menopause and between teaching children, teaching adults, and being with my family it just never seemed to happen. I finally am doing it !! I’m 21 days straight with Josie ! Thank you Josie Liz!! You ladies out there got this too!!!

February 28

Hi Josie,

Which exercises help to strengthen the knees?

September 06, 2024

I have paid for so many subscriptions including this one like 2 times, I come to realize that this is the one for me, i can't do all that other hard stuff jumping around, I love this app

October 21, 2024

Wanted you to see this first before I post it over on social media (and because my posts end up getting buried over there, too). Just some encouragement to keep your journey going. Do things YOUR WAY- however it resonates with you and keeps you going. Yes, it’s hard work but it doesn’t have to make your miserable.

I don’t believe in ‘the grind’. Small steps, consistent effort, forgiving the missteps, periodic self-evaluation and making adaptions and tweaks along the way is a good mindset to have. Be flexible in your journey and be kind to yourself. ❤️

February 21

Hi Everyone! I am working on adding content to the Menopause Natural Solutions section. Our next few upcoming live workouts will focus on strength training to boost hormonal balance, a key factor in tackling the stubborn "meno belly" and the challenge of weight loss during menopause.

Plus, I'll be adding more helpful tips and training topics to this section to support you on your journey. Stay tuned! 

Please let me know if you have any specific menopause topics you'd like to me to cover as we enhance this section: 

January 01
• Edited (Jan 07, 2025)

Happy New Year! Ask yourself this: ‘What is my highest potential for 2025?’ Everyones answer is different- Consider what that means for YOU. I’ll help with the work to get you there.

**Heres what’s upcoming:

  1. January’s livestream schedule will be posted later today 🏃🏽‍♀️
  2. Our first Community Challenge will begin on Jan 8th 😍
  3. Our first Huddle Week event takes place later this month! 🤩 (details coming)
September 21, 2024

🤩 Shout to Evongela, Sylvia and LaToya for joining this morning’s live workout of Invigorating Chair Cardio! 🪑Grab the replay in the ‘New and Upcoming’ section.

January 15


I am new and I’m in my upper 40s. I used to be very active with triathlons and running but stopped about 7 yrs ago due to hip injuries. I am creating goals for myself and would like to get in better shape by working out 3x a week. With that being said, which program/ videos should I begin with.

I would also like to incorporate some weight training as I think I would benefit greatly from it as well.

Thoughts? Thank you all :)

February 06
February 08

Hi! This morning’s ‘Sculpt and Burn’ live workout has been fittingly renamed as ‘Club Cardio’ - go grab it now and keep your workout Streak going. More Club Cardio sessions will added very soon! 🔥💯


Club Cardio #1

Session #1 of high-energy moves that melt fat and build lean,...